Abustek Technologies Inc. - Indicators, Controllers, Thermostats, Data Loggers, Transmitters
Abustek Technologies Inc. - Indicators, Controllers, Thermostats, Data Loggers, Transmitters

Abustek Technologies Inc. - Indicators, Controllers, Thermostats, Data Loggers, Transmitters

Abustek Technologies Inc. - Indicators, Controllers, Thermostats, Data Loggers, Transmitters
Abustek Technologies Inc. - Indicators, Controllers, Thermostats, Data Loggers, Transmitters
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Abustek Technologies Inc. - Indicators, Controllers, Thermostats, Data Loggers, Transmitters
Abustek Technologies Inc. - Indicators, Controllers, Thermostats, Data Loggers, Transmitters



Abustek Technologies Inc. - Indicators, Controllers, Thermostats, Data Loggers, Transmitters



Abustek Technologies Inc. - Indicators, Controllers, Thermostats, Data Loggers, Transmitters
Humidity+Temperature Transmitters
Abustek Technologies Inc. - Indicators, Controllers, Thermostats, Data Loggers, Transmitters
     Temp DM WM Temperature Transmitter
Temp DM WM Temperature Transmitter

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The Temperature Transmitter TEMP-WM and TEMP-DM are microprocessedbased instruments that incorporate high-accurate and stable sensors whose information is converted to linear 4-20 mA or 0-10 Vdc. As they are microprocessed equipment, they can be totally configured through the communication interface ATxConfig and ATxConfig software.

The TEMP-WM model is intended for wall mounting. The TEMP-DM comes with a probe tip for duct or wall mounting.

Abustek Technologies Inc. - Indicators, Controllers, Thermostats, Data Loggers, Transmitters
Accuracy:0,5 ºC @ 25 ºC (1.6 °C for the entire measurement range)
Range:Configurable between -50 and 120 °C;
Default: 0 to 100 ºC
Operating limits:TEMP-WM: Electronic circuit: -20 to +65 °C
TEMP-DM: Electronic circuit: -20 to +65 °C
Sensor and probe: -40 to +100 °C
Note: For temperatures above 65 ºC or below -20 ºC, a maximum of 50% of the probe length (TEMPDM)
should be exposed to this temperature, to avoid conducting extreme temperatures to the electronic
Response time:Up to 30 seconds in slow moving air
Power supply:4-20 mA model: 12 Vdc to 30 Vdc
0-10 V model: 18 to 30 Vdc / 15 mA max.
Outputs:4-20 mA or 20-4 mA current, 2-wire loop power supply
0-10 Vdc voltage / 2 mA max.
Output Load (RL):4-20 mA model: RL (Ohms max) = (Vdc – 12) / 0.02
let Vdc = Loop power supply (12 to 30 Vdc)
0-10 V model: 2 mA max.
Output resolution:4-20 mA model: 0.006 mA
0-10 V model: 0.003 V
Reverse polarity protection:Yes
Protection:Electronic circuit case - IP65; Sensors capsule: IP40
Cable entrance:Compress fitting PG7;Sensor, output and power supply are not electrically isolated.
Abustek Technologies Inc. - Indicators, Controllers, Thermostats, Data Loggers, Transmitters